Giorgi is 16 years old when he discovers another world through American films forbidden in all Soviet Union until then. Since the post-revolutionary chaos in his home town, Tbilisi, Giorgi has wanted to have succeeded by following the path of his idols: Tony Montana and Vito Corleone. He has almost reached his goal when he is confronted with a dilemma; how can he stop his little brother who is 12 years old to follow his path when he could become a famous pianist? All this in a world that only knows chaos.

Release Date : Jan 25, 2014

Genres :

Production Company :

Production Countries : France, Georgia

Original Language : ქართული

Casts : Irakli Basti Ramishvili, Zuka Tsirekidze, Nato Shengelaya, Kakhi Kavsadze

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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