Part of the artificial-creature series encompassing Der Golem (1914 and 1920), Alraune (1918, 1928, 1930) and Metropolis (1926), 'Homunculus' was the most popular serial in Germany during World War I even influencing the dress of fashionable Berlin. Foenss, a Danish star, is the perfect creature manufactured in a laboratory by Kuehne. Having discovered his origins, that he has no 'soul' and is incapable of love, he revenges himself on mankind, instigating revolutions and becoming a monstrous but beautiful tyrant, relentlessly pursued by his creator-father who seeks to rectify his mistake.

Release Date : Aug 18, 1916

Genres : , ,

Production Company : Deutsche Bioscope

Production Countries : Germany

Original Language : No Language

Casts : Fern Andra, Josef Bunzl, Maria Carmi, Aud Egede-Nissen, Lia Borré, Olaf Fønss, Friedrich Kühne, Theodor Loos, Ernst Ludwig, Adolf Paul, Albert Paul

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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