Every town has a devil. For the small community of Braxton, that devil is Tommy Miller. A bullied and tormented teen who finally snapped, killing his friends and family at the annual Braxton town hall party, Miller escaped into the woods, never to be seen or heard from again. Until now. Ten years later, a group of fresh-faced teens find themselves targeted by a masked man in a hooded cloak. It's up to Detective Ryan Fenton and his fish-out-of-water partner to protect the town from Miller's clutches; there's just one issue - Ryan himself is a survivor of the original massacre. Is Miller opening up a new chapter, or has he returned to attend to some unfinished business?

Release Date : Oct 16, 2015

Genres : , ,

Production Company : What's Next Films

Production Countries : United Kingdom

Original Language : English

Casts : Shaun Blaney, Vicky Allen, Rachel Morton, Diona Doherty, Andrew Stanford, Ciaran McCourt, Joshua Colquhoun, Philip Rafferty, Odhran McNulty, Brandon McCaffrey, Natalie Curran

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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